Renewable Power Project Operation & Maintenance
Operation & Maintenance (O&M) is one of the most critical ways to ensure that the solar power system gives the best possible generation. Maha Solar Park O&M Team, work to maintain the plant infrastructure and equipment, with the goal of improving the equipment’s life by preventing excess depreciation and impairment. This enables the solar power plant to produce the maximum amount of energy throughout its operational life, perfectly aligning the interests of developers, clients and the investors.
By Combining our experience in plant maintenance and advanced diagnostics with our expert O&M staff using a remote monitoring system, we ensures the plant functions smoothly, thereby continuously generating solar power.
General Checks
- No roof clogging or water pooling
- Drainage is adequate
- Rood penetrations (if any) are watertight
- No Ground erosion at the base of the ground mount system
- All electrical enclosures are only accessible to authorized personnel
- No corrosion on the outside of enclosure and the racking system
- There should be no debris in the inverter pad area or elsewhere
- No loose hanging wires in the array
- There should be no signs of animal infestation under the array
Specific Checks
- Preventive maintenance for Modules
- Regular cleaning with TDS(Total Dissolved Solids), 250 PPM (parts per million) by good quality brushes without bristles.
- Modules Wiped dry to ensure no stains
- Monthly services of Inverter
- Cable Connector tightness check on regular basis
- Daily check of parameters of Transformer like Operating Temp. Oil Temp. Winding Temp and Oil Levels
- Every qtrly thoroughly cleaning of transformer
- IR Test and yearly Cable checks for transformer performance study
Supervising through Remote Monitoring Technology
Lowest charges and prompt services for O&M and Comprehensive / non-comprehensive AMC